Setting Up the Rules of the Game

It may be the best thing you can do when facing problems

Vivian Fang
4 min readOct 14, 2020
Photo by Oussama Zaidi on Unsplash

Have you encountered customers or supervisors who will not stop bugging you for work after your working hours? They would think of something and text you over SMS.

I am sure all of us have this kind of experience. If it is not something that is taking too much of our private time, I am sure none of us sees it as an issue. But it becomes a headache if it happened too frequently and takes up too much time.

What do you do about it then?

I recommend setting up a new rule of the game with them to change the situation. Hear me out on how this could solve the problem with a real example.

An Irresponsible Supervisor

Years ago, when I was working at a merchandising company, our supervisor loves giving us instructions over SMS in a group chat. I am not a fan of it because it is a less efficient way to communicate about work. Information over group chat is usually not complete; it is usually a fragment of information with different people’s inputs. It could get confusing. In addition, it is hard to look back to trace the needed information.

But communicating via group chat was convenient for my supervisor. She can reach us easily, so…



Vivian Fang

❤️ Heart set on Game Theory & Public Finance - determined & disciplined dreamer in making Pareto Improvement. 📬 ❤️